Parameters which can decide the output of iron powder briquette machine are generally model, diameter of press roller, manufacturing texture, dynamo model and total power, etc. As a supplier of iron power briquetting machine, Fote thinks the above factors are just one-sided. There are still many.
For good iron powder briquette machine, its inner structure must be relatively reasonable. Working performance of auxiliary devices like dynamo also can influence the output of iron power briquetting machine. Therefore, it is necessary to fully understand the technological indexes of iron powder briquette machine before the purchasing process.
The following content are the conclusion that made by our technicians on inner structure and working features of iron powder briquetting machine. To make raw materials be evenly sent into distance between rollers, we design the feeding part in type of four-roller pressure.
Auxiliary roller presses the materials offered by hopper, then delivers the pressed materials into main roller for final briquetting. Power is offered by dynamo, then transmits to driving shaft through belt pulley, gear accelerator and coupler. Through the open gear, driving shaft and driven shaft run synchronously.
Behind the seat of active bearing, there is a screw angle iron pressure device. Though the angle iron, we can adjust the distance between driving roller and driven roller. If there are many raw materials in roller distance or metal blocks, iron angle will automatically move upward. What’s more, the pressure systems recover and protect the press roller from being damaged.
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Fote Heavy Machinery:
Iron Powder Briquette Machine /Fote Briquette Machine/ Coal Briquette Machine